
Sunday, June 22, 2014

journal entry

this is a written-out thought-process post.

an essay.

which is what blogging really is if you take a second and think about it. a collection of FREELY WILLINGLY written essays done at such times as this (this being ten o'clock on a sunday evening) without the panic of a due date in the coming morning. unless you get paid to blog. which i don't. but some people do. and that is an odd thing to me. people get paid to write little essays or journal entries about their life and the topics are totally no-brainer because your life is something you don't have to research or cite your sources on.


just relived moments of your life, displayed in a lovely-written way posted on the WWW for any jack and jill to see. it is an odd occupation. some people are great at it and lucky to have it be their job. i myself love a good blog read. because if you really do think about it, we are curious beings and we LOVE to know about other people's lives. why else would there be so many celebrity gossip tv shows and magazines out there? sure, most of them are a waste of time and no one really cares if this celebrity went to this beach and wore this outfit (heaven forbid) more than once.

but it sucks us in.

and IF YOU REALLY THINK ABOUT IT, aren't tv shows/movies/books the exact same thing? perhaps the characters are fictitious but we read and watch because we want to know about these other lives. i have this theory that people have this yearning to live as many lives as possible. i do anyway. my dream is to live a hundred different lives and remember everything about each one. it is far less embarrassing to get caught up in fiction stories than real people. you can't be considered a stalker if the person doesn't really exist. it's like a loophole in life. a way of living x number of lives in the time limit of one life. pretty brilliant.

which leads to the start of this whole collision of thoughts. i just read a book, which zillions of other people have read, i'm sure. paper towns. john green. and i just can't stop thinking about it. so really, i just am writing so i can keep thinking without just sitting and staring. but i think i figured out why people love his writing so much. when i was buying the book, the cashier and i were talking about how much we loved his work, and in paraphrase she said to me, he makes you feel things you don't want to feel. that's how you know you haven't wasted your time, when you've felt something you didn't think you would.

how true is that? we hate and love to feel things. we hate to feel devastation and heartache and loss but we choose to read, watch and honestly experience it. we love happiness and love and peace, and again choose to experience it. we are so complicated.

so paper towns. i'm not going to be THAT PERSON that spoils the book in the rare chance that this blog entry comes up when "paper towns" is googled. i made this blog for a school assignment and even when i google my name, it doesn't come up. the only ariel wright that the internet knows is a track runner at brown university, who as much as i wish it was, is not me. so i estimate the probability of google finding this is 0.07%. i will say that the book did not end how i thought it would, which is real life. life is never what you think it is going to be and thank heaven for that. what a far less interesting life that would be. what i got out of the book is that the end is not what really matters, but how you get there and everything you learn along the way. i mean, isn't that God's plan? to come to earth and learn and experience and grow and of course we want to end up back with Him, that is so important, but we are here to succeed, make mistakes and be brave enough to just have faith and live. and i think even if someone isn't religious, they feel the same way. anyway, i felt as if this book is kind of where i'm at right now. there is a quote in there that i love saying, "it's so hard to leave, until you leave. then its the easiest [*] thing in the world." i think that can relate to a lot of things, not just physically packing up and moving someplace else, but moving on in a different direction in your life. and it's terrifying to do it. recently i have left a few things in my life and it was the hardest, most freeing thing i have ever done. but now my life is open to endless possibilities. ADVENTURE IS OUT THERE!

*side note, paper towns is being made into a move coming out in 2015, so if any casting director happens to come upon this post, take note that i would love to be a part of it. (re-insert section containing probability of this post showing up at all)

my thoughts are getting all frayed out again. i should change the name of this blog from "bits of this and that" to "bits of unresolved and irrelevant thoughts"

read the book. there are crass moments, but it is very thought provoking.


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