
Sunday, September 27, 2015

presence of absence

i spent my evening looking at the super blood moon. and as i was looking at it, i couldn't help but feel small. not small in the sense that i am not important, but small in the sense that some things are so much bigger. 

the last time this kind of eclipse happened was in 1982 and won't happen again until 2033, but even so, hardly anyone in my neighborhood was watching it. i guess some people aren't into it, which is fine, but what a shame for them. and then there are people who come take one photo on their phone and go back inside. 

here is the thing about taking photos like that. are you really going to look at it again? really look at it? no. because it was one second of your life. one second that has no thought. but the picture itself is not important anyway.

i was sitting there staring at this gorgeous moon and people were not out there seeing it. the moon doesn't matter. the experience of being present and sitting and thinking and being mesmerized by something so simplistically beautiful that humans put no effort in to achieve is what matters. 

how often it is that i pass moments like this by. moments in which i can realize that a lot of things i stress about or over-think, DO NOT MATTER because the world is beautiful and i need only have the eyes to see it.

sometimes my eyes are blind. and a lot of times my eyes are presently absent. 

i also thought, some things do in fact not matter in the grandeur scheme of things, but they do matter in the scheme of this moment. more often than not, i worry about plans, and how my plans never work, and how my original plans didn't include the almost-always event of never turning out how i planned, but i still try.

time always goes on, whether or not there is a plan. things will continue to happen even if they happen 18 years apart like this moon. 

maybe there are people out there staring at this same moon who feel the same way, and maybe there aren't. but isn't that nice to think about? 

all from one evening with the moon.

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