
Sunday, March 26, 2017


you know what's great? people. even when they suck. because sometimes they do. and sometimes situations suck. and then you think you're going to go crazy so then you cut off all your hair.

but generally, i think people intend to do good. and be good. and want more kindness in the world.
even when it sucks.

sometimes i forget this. i have a book written by R.J. Palacio who wrote Wonder, which is phenomenal. but this book is called 365 Days of Wonder and is inspired and accompanies the previously mentioned novel. it's a book of precepts to live by. and it helps me to remember.

many of them are on kindness. today's (march 26) is

be kind whenever possible.
it is always possible.
-Dalai Lama

but i looked ahead for tomorrow, and that one is

as soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

and i just think that life would be a lot simpler if these things were not forgotten so often. that we remembered--that i remembered. it would make things seem not so bad, because for the most part, they aren't as bad as we often might think. there are much worse things in the world than what i am dealing with.

even so, some things are still hard, but if you (i) trust your(my)self, i think things will be fine.

always remember to be kind.

for kindness begets kindness evermore.
february 28

kidisms part 2

last week i was released from my primary calling in church. i had been in that calling for about 7 years and it kind of broke my heart when i learned i wouldn't be with the littles anymore. but you can't stay in the same place forever.

these are some of the last funny things i heard the tiny humans say while i was in primary.

"i have ten coins and one dollar. that makes 11 monies." -N

"i would buy special things that Jesus wants me to buy." -P
"what kinds of things are those?"
"pictures of him." -P

"do you know why i wear tights? because i don't want to show my underwear at church." -N

"i like to eat the oranges because i hate drinking blood." -N

"i'm really good at farmer dancing." -K

"we're all gonna die." -D (repeated over and over)

"i reeeeaaallly hope there aren't drugs in there." -N (looking at the box of crayons)

"i help my neighbor." -B
"like if they need to put dirt and grow a flower." -B

"mouses give us cheese." -J

"i already killed a bad guy." -S

"i made a roll." -P (meaning i'm on a roll)

"i don't really like to color but i do like grass." -N